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Analysis and Report of the Book: "Angola 1961: From Baixa do Cassange to Nambuangongo"

Project Type

Book Report




Idaho, USA


The book "Angola 1961: From Baixa do Cassange to Nambuangongo", written by António Lopes Pires Nunes, is a work belonging to the collection "Wars and Combats", which is dedicated to analyzing the main military conflicts in the history of Angola, with an emphasis on anti-colonial struggles. This publication makes a detailed study of the year 1961, a fundamental milestone in the context of the Angolan war of independence, covering everything from the Baixa do Cassange revolt to the fighting in Nambuangongo.

Historical Context

1961 is often considered the official beginning of the Angolan armed struggle against Portuguese colonial rule. The Baixa do Cassange revolt in January and the subsequent March events in the north of the country began a decade and a half of conflict for independence. This period was marked by resistance movements that gradually evolved from protest actions and revolts to a large-scale armed insurrection.

Key Themes and Coverage

Baixa do Cassange Uprising:
A primary focus of the book is the Baixa do Cassange Uprising, which represented a period of workers’ revolt against brutal conditions imposed by the Cotonang Company. The violent repression by Portuguese colonial forces resulted in thousands of deaths, as recorded in historical documents and popular remembrances.
The Northern Uprising (15 March 1961):
Beginning in March 1961, nationalist movements such as the MPLA and UPA began a more organized insurrection. This attack, known as the “Northern Uprising,” was a series of violent attacks against Portuguese settlers and symbols of the colonial regime, which eventually provoked severe retaliation by the Portuguese armed forces.
Military Campaigns in Nambuangongo:
The book devotes a considerable amount of time to the military campaigns that followed the initial uprising. Nambuangongo was one of the main areas of combat, with Portuguese forces and nationalist groups facing off in difficult terrain and under extreme conditions. Nunes analyzes the military tactics used and the sacrifices made by both sides.
Impact on Society and Politics:
The work explores not only the fighting, but also the political and social repercussions of the conflict. The outbreak of war in Angola profoundly affected Angolan society, both in the cities and in rural areas. In addition, the international impact of the uprisings and the support given to the liberation movements, particularly by the Cold War blocs, is an important point of analysis.
Personal Accounts and Humanization of War:
The author also gives space to the personal stories of soldiers and civilians who lived through the events of 1961. These accounts provide an emotional and human view of the costs of war, making the study more than a simple military account.
Author's Perspective

António Lopes Pires Nunes adopts an approach focused on military history, combining a chronological narrative with a detailed analysis of military operations, strategic decisions and political implications of the conflict. The author appears to have used primary sources, including military documents and interviews, to construct a comprehensive overview of the early years of Angola's war of independence.


"Angola 1961: From Baixa do Cassange to Nambuangongo" is a fundamental work for understanding the events that began the long and painful struggle for Angolan independence. By examining the year 1961, António Lopes Pires Nunes offers a detailed analysis of the beginning of the conflict, highlighting both the internal factors and the external pressures that shaped this initial phase of the war. The book is an indispensable resource for historians, students and all those interested in understanding the complexities of the anti-colonial struggle in Angola.

Additional Studies

For those who wish to delve deeper into the subject, it is recommended to complement this reading with other studies on the Angolan War of Independence, exploring different angles, such as the political evolution of nationalist movements, the role of foreign powers, and the memories of survivors.

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